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Everything You Need to Know About Post-Workout Nutrition

by Akshay Kothari 21 Dec 2021 0 Comments


Post-workout nutrition is a subject that is sometimes forgotten, and it is critical to understand the benefits of providing your body with the nutrients it requires to recuperate. After a strenuous workout, your body needs refueling. When you do not refuel your body, you will feel exhausted and your recovery will be slowed. If you do not replenish what you have lost, your body will be in danger of more harm during your next workout.

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What is the Significance of Post-Workout Nutrition?

When we exercise vigorously, we damage tissues at the micro-level and use fuel.  This is what eventually makes us stronger, leaner, fitter, and more muscular, but it requires repair in the short term.  Repair and rebuilding take place through the breakdown of old, damaged proteins (aka protein breakdown) and the production of new ones (aka protein synthesis), a process known as protein turnover.  After resistance training, muscle protein synthesis increases modestly (or remains steady), but protein breakdown increases considerably. We're doing a lot more dismantling than building.  The metabolic foundation for muscle development is represented by the connection between these two parameters (rate of muscle protein synthesis and rate of muscle protein breakdown). Muscle growth happens when a positive protein balance is achieved during recovery — that is, when we ensure that there are enough raw materials available for protein synthesis to occur so that it does not lag behind protein breakdown. This is especially tough for endurance athletes since protein synthesis decreases while protein breakdown increases. Studies reveal that this trend may be reversed — particularly when you ingest the correct nutrients after exercise, protein synthesis is increased and protein breakdown is controlled. However, protein is not the only issue at hand. During the activity, stored carbohydrates can be significantly depleted. As a result, protein and carbs are required during the post-workout interval. The raw materials we offer our bodies throughout the training and post-workout times through the ingestion of food/supplements are crucial to producing the metabolic environment we seek.

Should You Eat Carbs After a Workout?


We're often told to eat carbs after we work out to raise insulin levels, which is supposed to boost muscle growth through a number of anabolic mechanisms.

Unfortunately, research shows that this doesn't work. Adding carbs to your post-workout meals doesn't seem to help you gain muscle faster, though.

The reason for this is that when you eat enough protein and raise your insulin levels just a little, your muscles will be able to make more muscle protein. This is why this is the case.

I will say, though, that adding carbs to your post-workout meal will keep insulin levels high longer, which is good for muscle growth because, as you know, insulin slows down muscle breakdown.

High-carb diets are better for building muscle than low-carb ones because they help you get more muscle.

In general, high-carb diets raise insulin levels, which leads to lower muscle breakdown rates.

Another reason to eat carbs after a workout is to refill your muscles with glycogen, which is used as energy when you exercise, especially when you exercise at a high level.

After a workout, this whole-body glycogen replenishment can give you a nice post-workout pump and boost your mood, but it doesn't seem to help your overall workout performance unless you plan to train again later in the day.

This means that you don't need to do anything right away unless you're going to need to use your glycogen stores at some point during the day.

Another thing to remember is that your body won't store carbs as fat until your glycogen stores have been filled. This is why people often tell you to eat carb-heavy meals right after you work out.

It's not clear if this will help your body composition over time, but it won't hurt to try.

Should You Eat Fat After a Workout?

Sure, if you want to.

If you're a bodybuilder, you might not want to eat after a workout because it slows down the process of digesting and taking in the protein and carbs your body needs.

The fact that adding fat to your meal slows down how quickly food moves through your body is true, but it doesn't mean that your post-workout nutrition is less effective because of this.

Study after study has shown that the fat content of a meal has no effect on how quickly glycogen is replenished. Whole milk may be more anabolic than nonfat milk.

It's not a bad thing if you have fat after you work out, but you don't need to have it, either.

Goals for Post-Workout Nutrition

Adding more glycogen to the body: When you work out for a long time or do a lot of exercise, your body burns the carbohydrates that are stored in your muscles (glycogen). After you work out, you should eat carbohydrates to help your body build up its glycogen stores. There are 75 grams of carbs for a 150-pound athlete who eats 12 grams of carbs per pound of body weight, or 75 grams.

Repairing muscle damage: Muscle is broken down during exercise, and the foods consumed afterward can help with tissue repair as well as rebuilding and strengthening the muscle.

After a workout, consume 20-40 grams of high-quality, lean protein to maximize protein synthesis for muscle repair and growth. When participating in a tournament or multiple workouts in a day that leaves less than 2 hours to recover, athletes may want to skip the protein until after the events are completed (or eat a smaller amount). Knowing how your body reacts in these situations will assist you in determining what works best for you.

Rehydrating: Sweating causes athletes to lose a significant amount of electrolytes and fluid. An athlete should drink 20-24 ounces of liquid for every pound of water lost. Water is frequently sufficient, but sports drinks containing electrolytes and carbohydrates can help replenish what the body has used up during a workout, especially if it lasts more than 60 minutes. Staying hydrated while exercising entails drinking fluids before, during, and after exercise. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 16-24 ounces of water 2-3 hours before working out, 4-8 ounces every 15-20 minutes during a workout, and 16-24 ounces for every pound of fluid lost after the workout to avoid dehydration.


After a workout, it's critical to follow up with a balanced meal high in carbohydrates and protein. Improves recovery, promotes performance during your next session by increasing the rate of muscle protein synthesis and enhancing recovery time. It's essential to eat or drink something every few hours to keep your energy levels up. The image may be completed and the benefits of your activity maximized by restoring lost water and electrolytes.

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