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What is an Ideal Protein Diet and Food for a Teenager?

by Akshay Kothari 25 Oct 2020 0 Comments

Well, having a good diet is the utmost important thing in your life. It keeps you going healthy and lively. But the thing with consuming carbohydrates is that your body has the ability to generate carbs when your body needs it. But this is not the same when it comes to proteins, you have to keep a check on the quantity that your body needs. The diet we consume is likely to provide fewer proteins, unlike carbs. What we can do in that case? We can hand on to the protein supplements to level up the deficiency of proteins. But what is even better is that you try to pull it up naturally. 

Proteins for the Teenagers:

Proteins are one of the very significant and versatile elements for children’s bodies. Proteins are the richest source of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body. Amino acids help the development of muscles, skin, and several other organs of your body. As children grow, they need a robust immune system, and their immunity needs to keep improving and maturing. Proteins play an important role in making your immune system better. Children under the age of 5 essentially need proteins and energy in their diet.Milk, eggs, dairy products, fish, chicken, nuts, beans, and other essential things need to be added in their diet. All these things are the rich source of proteins and help your children gain an adequate amount of protein. According to the research stats, an average teenager (boy) consumes about 100 grams of the protein per day, and a girl consumes about 70 grams. An ideal amount of protein solely depends upon your gender, and most importantly daily activities.  Your body is capable of generating some amino acids itself, but all the 9 essential elements need to be consumed through your diet. Adding a sufficient amount of protein does not mean that you consume pure meat. You can hand on to plant-based proteins such as beans, whole grains, legumes, and other things. A proper amount of proteins can be obtained by intaking all the varieties of it rather than sticking to the least varieties. 

Recommendation of Proteins According to Age:

  • Girls (14-18) 46 grams of proteins per day
  • Boys (14-18) 52 grams of proteins per day
  • Women (19+) 46 grams of proteins per day
  • Men (19+) 56 grams of proteins per day

Ideal Foods for Teenagers:

  • Eggs: Eggs are utterly nourished with high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and they are enriched with B vitamins and choline. Proteins are made up of amino acids, and eggs are highly enriched with amino acid leucine, which is quite important for muscle gain.

  • Beans: A lot of different varieties of beans can help you get a lean muscle gain.  Well-liked varieties such as black, pinto, and kidney beans, contain around 15 grams of protein. Moreover, they are wonderful sources of fiber and vitamin B, furthermore to being high in magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. And, for that reason, beans are an exceptional source of plant-based protein to consume.
  • Peanuts: Peanuts carry amalgamation of proteins, fats, fiber, and carbohydrates. 73 grams of peanuts contain 17 grams of protein, 16 grams of carbohydrates, and large amounts of unsaturated fats. Moreover, they contain a higher amount of amino acid leucine than other plant products. Peanuts are known for a rich source of healthy fats likewise.

  • Almonds: 172 grams of blanched almonds serve 16 grams of protein and a high amount of vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus. Almonds should be consumed likewise peanuts are opted to be consumed due to high-calorie content. Half cup of almonds comprised of 400 calories.

That is an ideal diet a teenager should follow. All you need is a natural and an apt intake of the proteins and other significant vitamins and minerals. Because, this is the age where your body needs a proper amount of protein consumption and other vital elements. Cheers to good health. Also, do not forget to refer to Nutracore's blog page for such eminent updates.

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